Hard to believe that this website is becoming as popular as it is. I have enjoyed the past 6 weeks of posting and I have become a much better coach through the information, drills and knowledge that so many people have shared.
My Goals For 2012-Over the next week I plan on making some adjustments to the site. Trying to make it more user friendly, Trying to make sure that the newest and most popular posts are at the top.
Monthly Contest similar to the January Mancino Give away. (I already have a photo caption contest for February).
PRO SHOP– Videos, Books, programs for sale.
Expanded Affiliate Program– Ways for the Gym Momentum Community can save money by visiting our affiliates.
I would like to have a SKILL of the Week. (not just the Crash of the Week) But that will probably have to wait until the end of the competition season.
Expanded Competition Report– I know many of you HOST big invitationals and everyone GOES to these meets. Tell me about them! Share the GOOD, The BAD and The UGLY of all these meets.
Rec/ Pre-school lesson plans and ideas. I am getting a lot of great drills from competitive programs I would love some more from Rec and preschool!
Major Goal- Gym Momentum I Phone Ap!
COMING IN JUNE of 2012- GYM MOMENTUM TRAINING CAMP. June 22nd – June 24th. Huguenot, NY.
Please let me know what YOU would like to see at Gym Momentum. CONTACT
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