This spring and summer I am trying something new.
Gymnastics is such a visual sport often it is very difficult to answer the questions people send me. It is just too difficult to describe the technique, drill or progression. I think this keeps some coaches from asking a question.
This spring and summer, if you e-mail a question, if necessary, I will video the answer. I will show the drill or progression.
If I do not know the answer or there is simply someone better suited to answer it- I will reach out to one of my many contacts and have them video the answer.
My goal turn around time will be under a week.
What kind of questions can you ask?
- any technical question, Mens, Women’s, Tramp & Tumbling, (skills, progressions, technique)
- Questions on Preschool, recreational classes
- Equipment usage (How many different/creative ways to use a mat you already have)
- Business related (front office, staff management, client management, marketing, planning)
- Leadership
- Staff training (safety, risk management, spotting)
- Mental Training (Blocks, anxiety, PMS (Pre Meet Stress))
What Kind of questions you CAN ask but I probably won’t answer
- How to FIX USA Gymnastics (I do not think it is entirely broken. AND if I could answer that kind of question I probably wouldn’t be the guy who plows his own gyms after another blizzard)
- How to solve political issues in the middle east/ Persian Gulf.
- Why so many Law Students struggle in Contract Law Course.