I have just returned from the 2019 USGCOA Summit in Las Vegas.
It was such a pleasure being around many club owners who want to be agents of change in our sport. I spoke on “Standing Out In Your Area”. How Customer service can give you a leg up on the competition. The competition NOT being the gym across town. The competition being all the other youth sports and activities. The slide show of this lecture will be in this journal.
There were many notable speakers.
Holding Your Employees Accountable- Tom Koll
Safe Sport Expectations – Mark Busby (USAG Safe Sport),
US Center for Safe Sport – Michael Henry (USOPC Safe Sport).
Social Media- Lesley Jean
Is Retirement in The Cards- Kylie Sharp
How to Best Protect Your Business- Mark Sohn
There was an open discussion held on Safe Sport, Policies, Procedures, and Expectations. It did get a little heated with club owners voicing their concern with USAG overreaching policies. In the end it was very informative.
The most moving speaker was Cassie Rice. Confessions from a Compassionate Coach. It is impossible for me to put into words what she and Tasha spoke about. I know it was videoed and I will see if when it is edited we can post it here.
The take away from the weekend was that club owners (and coaches) need to stick together. We must be united in these times. We can no longer trash talk other gyms. Other coaches. That simply is not good for the sport.
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