Dave Peterson, California Sports Center, #IamUSAGymnastics
It’s been a great 30 years! What’s the next 30 going to bring? California Sports Center was originally started in 1987 as California Gymnastics Center. All gymnastics with a focus on boys competition levels – but we also developed a girls program.
It was in 1991 that I entered into the aquatics business purely by accident – I wanted a bigger gym and the only way I was going to get it was if I made my bid for the space inclusive of the pool that was there. I couldn’t really afford it and I’m not really a good swimmer, but I figured – ‘how hard can it be to run an aquatics business’ if I’m already running a gymnastics business? Wow, what a run – and today we’re still improving and growing. Dance was another natural addition to improve our gymnastics.
Gymnastics, Dance, and Swimming – that’s what we do. It would never have been possible without amazing people making their mark along the way. My old coaches, Jim Steele in high school and Rich Chew at San Jose State; my past business partner Linda Barclay (and a friend forever); the Rotary Club of San Jose with its community focus; the amazing staff & coaches I have now and all those who have come before. In fact, not a single staff member has left without making me a better person (even when I screwed up the relationship to begin with likely causing the departure.) I learn something new with every mistake I make. And let me not forget the most important person of all, my wife and business partner Anne who has made me a better man along with a more financially solid business. You see, I spend (invest, grow, dream) and she saves (accounts, budgets, beautifies). She has made me a better father (I’ve got three amazing kids), and business owner. She softens my occasional rants toward high expectations for all. She is my queen.
Yes, gymnastics is who we are, we “Begin Here, Go Anywhere”. USA Gymnastics greatest campaign that supports the mission I’ve always had at CSC “providing the opportunity to become the best you can be.” The mission applies to everyone – the athlete, the coach, the parents, the community – and especially me. I must remain constantly challenged, and in today’s world of busy distractions – the challenges must be measured toward the goals of succeeding – playing to win. We can only really do that if we are helping others succeed.
I have read somewhere and repeated many times that “our children are a message we send to a time we’ll never see.” I hope my message is a good and right one.
editors note: Dave is one of the nicest guys I have ever had the opportunity to come across. Please follow the threads back to previous times I have written about him.
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