I grew up in gymnastics and it wasn’t by accident. I chose gymnastics because I loved it, I stayed because it loved me back. The gym was my home, my teammates were my sisters, and my coaches were my second parents. Gymnastics was my family. And like many families I liked and connected with some and didn’t click with others. I formed lifelong bonds with a few and to this day, deeply love them. Some family members and I have accomplished miracles and created memories that are irreplaceable. I will be forever grateful and honored to call these people my gymnastics family.
At times, I am angry at my family. There will always be those members that I don’t care for, have made unforgivable mistakes, and said hurtful words. To these, I have no need to waste my time forgiving them.
I have been a part of USAGymnastics since 1987. Not every thing was perfect, but not every thing was bad. I have met some wonderful coaches. I have formed unbreakable bonds with teammates and I continue to met new and amazing people through gymnastics. I have seen and experienced both the good and the bad of the sport. We have learned a lot and have a lot more to learn. Yet, here we still are. My gymnastics family is still here, 30 years later.
We are here because WE are USAGymnastics. We are the ones who have gymnastics running through our veins. We are the ones who love the skills and drills. Leotards and equipment. The excitement and tears. We are the ones who breathe in chalk. We are the ones who love to fly. We are the ones who understand each other. We know what it takes to be a gymnast. We are the ones who feel empty without it.
Those people who have tried to hurt us, are NOT us. They are not gymnastics. They are not our family. They may try to tarnish or hurt us and they may cause temporary pain, but it will not last long. They will fail and we will rise. Our family bond is too strong. We have been through a lot and will continue to learn. We will continue to work for ways to be better. We will look out for each other and we will fight until we are healthy, happy, and safe.
A handful of bad seeds will not rot the rest. They are not us, they are not family, they are not USAGymnastics, we are.
Wendy Bruce Martin & Dennis (Trucky) Martin
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