I know some great gymnastics coaches who are terrified of marketing and sales. I am here to tell you that teaching gymnastics and marketing have a lot in common. Think of the things that go into being a great coach/ teacher.
- Good sense of humor
- Strong work ethic
- Believe in what you are teaching (being able to prove your technique/ drill)
- Confidence
- Organization
- Positive attitude
- Know who you are teaching to
Wouldn’t that be the same traits you would want in marketing?
Stepping away from the gym- Lets think about buying a new car.
You go to the lot. The first person is pushing you hard to take a test drive. They use the phrase, “What can I do to get you in this car”
The second person tells you about the car. It’s safety features, resale value, expected lifespan.
Which person are you probably going to spend your money with? The person who was trying to sell you the car or the person who was educating you about the car?
You need to approach your marketing plan for your gym the someway you approach teaching a skill to a gymnast.
You need to believe in your plan and commit to it. You need to believe in your product- YOUR GYM. Do not try to sell them your gym, Teach them about why every child should do gymnastics. They will hear your passion about your program.
The point is, no matter what it is that customers pay you for—whether it’s your team program, rec or preschool, or anything in between—your job is to teach. Teaching is marketing.
By teaching, you’re able to make connections that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. People search for answers to a topic. You put yourself, your experience, and your lessons “out there” for those people to find.
Many of us fear the words “marketing” and “selling”. We are afraid of coming across too “salesy”. Forcing our programs at unsuspecting people. The infomercials , TV commercials, and internet spam condition us to find any marketing vile and to not trust anything anyone is trying to sell.
Stop trying to sell and start teaching. Teach people why EVERY SINGLE KID should be doing gymnastics. Teach them how many great things their child is going to learn. Teach them that no matter WHAT sports their child does in later life they will get the base in gymnastics. Teach them that gymnastics coaches know that kids are going to fall out of the gym. We will teach them how to fall safely!
Start your own blog. Focus on the questions your customers are asking. Take the opportunity to teach.
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