It is pretty appropriate that as we approach Thanksgiving in the USA I am launching this new project. I am excited getting this off the ground but I am equally nervous of letting everyone down.
There are so many coaches out there who have shared their drills, ideas and stories with Gym Momentum.- HAVE YOU?
I need to take a moment to thank everyone who has helped make Gym Momentum possible.
- My wife and children for their constant support and for putting up with me.
- Doug Ridley, truly a social media and marketing expert.
- My staff at Atlantic Gymnastics Training Center
As a coach I could devote an entire book thanking everyone who has influenced me through out the years. I do believe that every coach needs to look and see who has made the biggest impression on them as a coach and why.
“If you know your history, Then you would know where you’re coming from.”
Bob Marley,
- Don Tonry- You showed me that there was a science to gymnastics. It wasn’t just Throw and Go!
- Frank DeFrancesco, Andy Antonelli who were clinicians at my first Region 6 Mini Congress when I was just starting out as a coach. You shared so many drills with me. I am just passing them on.
- Kip Reed who was also a clinician at my Mini Congress and who remains a good friend today. You didn’t blow off my questions and I love our conversations to this day.
- Muriel Grossfeld for helping me not get lost with my first elite gymnasts.
- My gymnastics camp family. Every summer you energize me, every summer I learn from you.
- Dr. Joseph “DOC” Massimo. Through the years you shared so much information. I can never thank you enough.
- My mother, Denise Edmonds, who gave me my first job as a coach. Then encouraged me to go to college for something different.
The most important people to thank are the athletes I have worked with through out my career. I have learned from each of you and this site will always be dedicated to you.