“The very symbol of the sport, the handstand, is indeed one of the most important fundamental elements in gymnastics. Although often viewed as an individual skill, the handstand shape is repeatedly seen in every event, every exercise, and virtually every movement sequence.” Dr Gerald S. George, Ph.D. “Championship Gymnastics. Biomechanical Techniques For Shaping Winners” 2010 [Read more…]
Gym Momentum Training Camp Video 2015
Here is the first of what I am sure will be MANY videos from Gym Momentum Camp 2015
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Front Aerial Drill
I have always loved front and side aerials. Not just for their artistic enjoyment but for the leg drive that it teaches.
Here is a drill that showed really good results with this young lady from Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
Advanced Core on Beam
Mary Lee Tracy shares some advanced Core exercises on beam. Follow Mary Lee on YOUTUBE for some other great drills.
Releve Training with Mary Lee Tracy
Mary Lee shares a great drill for Releve training using a small medicine ball.
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Back Layout Drills
A while ago I had a coach request drills for Back Layouts. I finally got around to videoing them!
These drills all deal with body position. I start these drills with Level 4s so that by the time they “need” the layout it is there.
- Fall to Back on flat surface (not on video)
- Fall to back with feet elevated
- Jump to 1/4 gainer to back
- Continue to raise surface on 1/4 gainer. (not on video)
- Into Pit, fall back to back layout.
Releve Training by Mary Lee Tracy
Drill for Arms on Leaps and Jumps on Beam
Jamie Donkin, new assistant coach at Utah State (formally assistant at Sacramento State University) shares a drill at Gym Momentum Camp 2012 for arm position in turning jumps and leaps.
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Leg Extension Exercises
Tightening Arms and Legs For Beam.
Thanks to USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame member Mary Lee Tracy from Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy for sharing these drills.
Mary Lee has some great drills up on her YOU TUBE Channel [Read more…]