This is a bit of an inside joke to those who have seen my release move lecture.
Why I love What I Do
There are three things that, if I had waited until I was completely ready, I never would have done. Get married, have kids, and open my gym. And yet, when I think where I get the most enjoyment and satisfaction in my life right now, it’s those exact three things – my wife, my kids and my business.
That is why it was so difficult to no longer coach in my gym on a daily basis and start GYM MOMENTUM. To share my knowledge and experience.
I’d wanted to take “my show” on the road for a while, but always had excuses. Finally, four years ago, conditions were “perfect”. And by perfect, I mean I had just had my hip replaced, So what better time to forego a regular paycheck and jump off the deep end? What could be better to rehab my hip than set up lectures and clinics through out the country and now the world.
In retrospect, I’m not completely sure what I was thinking. But I can’t imagine doing anything else. In fact, I might be downright unemployable now. I absolutely love what I do, not only because I love the work but because it enables me to meet some truly amazing people.
My goal in life has been to make a positive difference in the life of others in (and out) of the gym. Gymnastics is such a great sport. I am truly lucky to do what I do. In the last 12 months I have taught and lectured at gymnastics conferences and training camps through out all of North America (Let’s see if I can remember where I have been with out checking credit card receipts)
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Vermont, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Oregon, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa, Nevada, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Quebec, Alberta, Ontario, Yukon (in February- WTH was I thinking?)
Outside of North America I’ve taught in
Australia, Iceland, Italy
As this year finishes off, I will be headed back to Canada, then Brazil, Mexico and Hopefully Italy.
(BTW- If You are interested, I still have some open weekends)
Here is a small sample of some of the notes from gymnasts and parents I have received. I treasure each note.
I just had to write again and say a huge thank you from all our gymnasts and staff, and from me personally. Not only did we all enjoy every minute of the time with you in so many different dimensions, the doors that you opened for us will have a lasting impact on the direction and success or our program and gymnasts. I had been concerned and nervous that we would have a fun and exciting weekend and then get back into our normal routine and not be able to use the information within our program. I’m incredibly impressed at how you were able to touch on so many facets of what we need, and do it in such a positive and encouraging way. I had told you beforehand that I probably needed some encouragement- I never would have been able to guess at the way in which you were able to offer it to me and us.
The reason people email you after you have left is that it takes time to digest and try out what we have taken from the weekend. This week I have discovered a lot more of what you said or were giving us that I didn’t realize at the time. Probably the biggest one happened 5 minutes before the clinic ended and you were showing progressions for yurchenko drills adding the flip from the mat stack. You mentioned putting it all behind the table and I asked if we had room. Your nonchalant response was “I don’t know- we’ll find out”. Throughout the week I’ve realized that one of the biggest points of the weekend was you giving us tools to launch from and think for ourselves. It is not about following the exact warmup or exact drills, but taking the tools and applying them to our program to discover the best formula that works here- for us. That will be what we work to put together in our coaches meeting today, and something I’m already working to instill in the girls. It has been refreshing this week to see our staff having fun trying out new drills even for classes and applying concepts. Kat’s preschool circuits were much more creative and applicable this week because of the inspiration you gave.
In ways this week was hard for the girls because everyone wants to continue the high of the weekend, and the reality is that we still have season just around the corner. However, I feel like I have a new level of communication with the girls, and they definitely have a new perspective of themselves and the sport that I think will really last.
What this weekend opened for the girls is possibilities in the sport that they never knew existed. What it did for me is show me how I have slowly over time limited my expectations and what our program can accomplish so as to avoid disappointment. This created a ceiling for the girls and for my staff that you showed us doesn’t have to be there. Every coach and parent and gymnast had their expectations exceeded for the weekend and can see it carrying forward.
Everyone is already asking when you are coming back, and some have even asked for specific dates. Once you catch your breath, we would love to to start talking in that direction.One more quick story- sorry to be long when I know you are at training camp. On Wednesday Mary was at the grocery store. An employee passed out and stopped breathing. Mary- 16 years old, performed CPR and recussitated and saved the man’s life. Doesn’t necessarily directly relate to gymnastics but you did work with her this weekend and I wanted to share and brag- I am so impressed with her…
Have a great weekend- Lillian says hi!
Gym Momentum Training Camps
July 14-17 in Boston, MA USA
July 28-31 in Edmonton, Alberta Canada
I will be a featured coach at Thomas Gymnastics’ Camp in Rock Hill SC July 21-25
Chalking Up Like A Champ
Yes, she is a good bar worker.
Yes, she chalks up like a freak.
Yes, she was last weeks CRASH OF THE WEEK
How Do Your Gymnasts Chalk Up?
Crash of The Week. Yurchenko Gone WRONG
Crash of the Week. Yurchenko Gone Wrong!
[Read more…]
Vaulting Guide
The video I used for my Vaulting Lecture for Judges at the NAWGJ conference in NJ
and just for fun
Uneven Bar Release Move Guide
Gym Momentum Training Camp Video 2015
Here is the first of what I am sure will be MANY videos from Gym Momentum Camp 2015
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It’s Our Time
“It’s Our Time”
Weberworks Records
Written by Krystal Polychronis (one of my former gymnasts!) and Juliette Goglia
Arranged by Marty Walsh, Peter Tentindo, Ian Walsh
Produced by Marty Walsh, Krystal Polychronis
Engineered by Burleigh Drummond
Mixed by Kenny Lewis at Mixed Emotion Studio, Middleton, MA
Mastered by Jim Brick at Absolute Audio
Lead Vocals – Juliette Goglia
Backing Vocals – Krystal Polychronis
Guitar – Peter Tentindo, Marty Walsh
Drums – Ernie Larouche
Videographer (Juliette Goglia) – Ro Rowan –
Videographer (Gymnastics) – Krystal Polychronis
Video Editor – Ro Rowan
Eleanor Almeida
Gracen Belle
Aria Brusch
Amanda Cioli
Olivia Drew
Amelia Hundly
Keara Loughlin
Abigail Matthews
Alanna Murphy
Jessica Nugent
Kaylee Pacunas
Lexie Priessman
Jumping Gymnasts:
Megan Anstiss
Madeline Courtemanche
Hailey & Hope Dinsmore
Molly & Peyton Fitzgerald
Kiera Frazier
Maya & Brielle Hardy
Serena Kim
Kailee McDonald
Nina Morales
Joslyn Panesse
Destiny Rios
Skyla Robson
Abigail Schiebel
Kendra Scott
Mckayla Silva
Kaitlin Stutz
Lorna Wood
Malinda Yim
Coaches: Megan Donahue, Jojo Vergados, Erin Auger, Mistah Ben
Gymnastics filmed on location at:
Walker’s Gymnastics – Lowell, MA –
Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy – Cincinnati, OH
Perfection Gymnastics – West Chester, OH
Juliette Goglia filmed at Tin Drum Studio, Thousand Oaks, CA
Pak Salto Drills
One of the biggest problems with Pak Salto is controlling the rotation.
TOO MUCH- You skid across the floor on your butt
TOO LITTLE- You eat the bar
Here are drills that I use for control and reach. I try to establish these drills pretty easy because they share some of the same actions with other skills like fly away and over shoot on bars and even the Yurchenko on vault.
I try to make 1 or 2 of these drills an everyday thing.
[Read more…]
Gym Momentum Training Camp Boston- Review
Another training camp is in the books! Every year I pick a motto for camp.
Gym Momentum Training Camp Boston had gymnasts and coaches from throughout North America as well as some gymnasts from Iceland.
Thursday night we started with orientation and open training with their personal coaches. I knew right away that this was going to be a great camp. All the gymnasts and coaches were so hungry to learn the Gym Momentum staff was super energized to meet their expectations. Thursday night all coaches and staff met to go over the training plan for the weekend and then we had a round table discussion on establishing a realistic time line for gymnastics success.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday we trained 2 sessions per day getting to each event twice per day while leaving time for open training for the gymnasts (with Gym Momentum Staff) while their coaches had clinic time. Friday night Brian Pickard delivered a lecture to the coaches on Conditioning and Recovery. Saturday night Jeremy Mosier did a lecture on incorporating trampoline drills into workouts.
With ALL the gymnasts working so hard it was honestly difficult to find a “Hardest Worker” in each group. After much deliberation the coaching staff came up with:
Group 1: Elizabeth, Yellowjackets, Massachusetts
Group 2: Rebecca, Acrotex, Texas
Group 3: Sarah, Athletic Edge, New York
Group 4: Katy, Acrotex, Texas
The SPIRIT of MOMENTUM, given to the gymnast who overall made the most corrections and just kept trying went to
Maddie, Spectrum Gymnastics, New Hampshire
As this is our 2nd year running Gym Momentum Training Camp we also gave out awards to the gyms who showed the most improvement over the last year. Those gyms who took the corrections they were given last year and continued to work on them through out the winter. These gyms won a coaches spot FREE for Gym Momentum Camp 2016! (July 14-17, 2016)
- Acrotex, Texas
- Athletic Edge, New York
- River Valley, New Brunswick, Canada
- Jean’s Gym, Massachusetts.
Congratulations to all the gymnasts and Coaches. Keep up the good work,
The Gym Momentum Staff for 2015 were:
- Jamie Donkin
- Tony Retrosi
- Vasko Vetzev (96, 2000 Olympic Team)
- Daire Oceallag
- Jeremy Mosier (World Championship Team T&T)
- Brian Pickard
- Carly Meyer
- Wendy Bruce-Martin (1992 Olympic Team)
- James Parent
- Jody Nichols
- Acrotex. Austin, Texas
- Aerials Gymnastics. Spruce Grove, AB, Canada
- Arlington Aerials. Arlington, VA
- Atlantic Gymnastics, Dover, NH
- Athletic Edge. Staten Island, NY
- Evergreen Gymnastics. Lisbon, NH
- Gymfest Gymnastics. Pittsfield, MA
- Jean’s Gymnastics. Marlboro, MA
- Pegasus Gymnastics. Calgary, AB, Canada
- River Valley Gymnastics. Woodstock, NB, Canada
- Spectrum Gymnastics Academy. Londonderry, NH
- Sterling Academy of Gymnastics. Sterling, MA
- Stjarnan Gymnastics. Reykjavik Iceland
And our wonderful hosts: Yellow Jackets Gymnastics. Middleton MA
I am in the process of editing all the photos and videos. I will have a separate post for all of those. If you have a photo or video that you would like to share- KEEP THE MOMENTUM GOING! Send it to me!
– As many of you know, Tim Korman, lost his battle with cancer a few weeks before Gym Momentum Camp. This was a terrible loss to the gymnastics community and the Yellowjackets gymnastics family. Profits from Gym Momentum Camp this year will be sent to a foundation of his families choice. A few of the Gym Momentum Staff also have RETURNED their pay check so that money can also go into the foundation.