Going through the recent issue of Inside Gymnastics Magazine There was a great article where Mary Lee Tracy shared her insight. I want to share her “10 things” and add my own insight.
- True connection and relationship with an athlete comes first.
- Model the emotional state you wish your athletes to be in, both daily and at competitions
- When challenging moments hit, remain in teacher-mode. Avoid dictator-mode.
- Show compassion to keep it real. Acknowledge when your athletes have gone above and beyond with a break in the action.
- Communicate the “why” of the conditioning or assignment. Your athletes will give more when you share the purpose.
- Change is the spice of ice! Vary the training plans, conditioning and rotations, and every now and then throw in a FUN FRIDAY!
- Your attention should be directed at those working hardest, not the opposite. Deep down all the athletes want your attention, so reward the behaviors you want to see more of.
- Train the mind. It is the strongest muscle in the body and it controls the others. “Teach” your athletes how to direct the mind in a direction that is productive.
- Open and close your workouts with substance to give a start-to-finish product to your athletes.
- Educate yourself! NEVER stop learning and fueling your passion. There is something to learn from every coach you spend time with at any level. Be a knowledge seeker.
Mary Lee is obviously a brilliant person and an Internationally acclaimed coach. I have always loved her passion and dedication to the sport.
Go through this list- keep improving yourself. Keep the MOMENTUM going.
Is there something missing off this list that you would add? Let us know.
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