Peak Performance Sports, LLC
Mental Training for a Competitive Edge
888-742-7225 | 407-909-1700
6 Steps for Pregame Mental Preparation:
1. Transition from life to sports and enter the role of the athlete. Focus only on the role of athlete and park any worries from life.
2. Discard outcome expectations or strict demands. Let go of the expectations you feel to be perfect or win.
3. Be proactive with confidence prior to competition. Take full control of your confidence level before the start.
4. Focus on execution or the process and not results. Stay into the moment and don’t think too far ahead.
5. Rehearse your performance and game plan. Visualize how you want to perform and execute you game or race plan.
6. Prepare your mind and body to trust in your skills. Get ready to become a performer and stop practicing so you can get into the zone.
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