While thinking about the nearly IMPOSSIBLE job that most gymnastics coaches take on on a daily basis I realized that most of you are modern day superheros. Doing a little research I found this very cool Blog by Robin Rosenberg. (The irony of being named Robin is not lost on her as she devotes her first 2 blogs to Batman).
Answering the question “What is a superhero?” Rosenberg states:
For purposes of this blog, I’m going to use a broad definition: Someone who manifests a super-ability or superpower and generally acts heroically-is brave and self-sacrificing. In fact, the dictionary that is a part of Microsoft Word has as an alternate definition of hero (not a superhero, mind you, but a plain hero): A person “with superhuman powers.” And Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines a hero as “a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability.” So the line between my definition of a superhero and that of a hero as defined by some dictionaries is a narrow one. The use of masks or costumes is not a prerequisite for superhero-dom according to this definition.
Following her definition, what coach isn’t a superhero? Every coach I know acts heroically, is self- sacrificing and I have seen some pretty superhuman spotting ability. Bat man may have his utility belt but every coach has a drawer in their desk or a shelf in the closet with a few random parts to fix any piece of equipment in the gym in a moment notice. MacGyver would be put to shame next to you.
So some hot summer day put on your cape and mask and take a few minutes to read Rosenberg’s Blog. It is pretty informative.
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