Uneven Bars is possibly the most challenging event. It is different that the other events for girls. A Cartwheel learned on Floor Ex transitions to a Round off and aerial. The can be used at Floor, Vault and Beam. Bars is just different and takes, obviously, a great deal of upper body strength.
My general rules for conditioning:
- Tell the girls what they are conditioning for so that they understand the connection.
- Strength the Shape
- Move through the Shape
- Add Speed as they move through
- Teach them the skill that the shape is for.
- ALWAYS monitor conditioning.
- Have strength related goals
- Have Strength related prerequisites (for example- 8 pull ups before they can giant.)
The Core Strength you are doing for other events is probably sufficient for bars.
Bars takes grips strength and endurance. Rope climb is pretty great at this. Think, 12- 15 skills in an optional bar routine. They should be able to do 12-15 pulls with each arm on the rope. Strengthen the handstand, the handstand shape as well as moving IN and OUT of a handstands. The strength from 1/2 leg lifts will give them the strength needed to hold feet up after skills on low bar.
I feel Press Handstands are very necessary to be a good bar worker. A gymnast needs to be able to lift their body upside down to a handstand on every circling skill.
Spot MILLIONS of cast handstands. There is no way around this. Sorry.
This is only a small list. I hope it helps!
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ASK GYM MOMENTUM. tony@gymmomentum.com
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