in·ten·tion \in-ˈten(t)-shən\
: the thing that you plan to do or achieve : an aim or purpose
: a determination to act in a certain way : resolve
This time of year many people make NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS. They set goals for the year in business, in life and in the gym. Goals are great but a goal must start with intention. The problem with just setting goals is that goals generally do not allow for failure and in failure there are many lessons to learn.
In the gym, it is vital for both coaches and gymnasts to have INTENTION in their training. You must train with a purpose. Training is the path which leads to success. If your have no purpose to your training, it is easy to get lost.
The past few years I have done many, many clinics at many gyms through out North America and into Iceland and Europe. When I walk in the first thing I ask is, “What is the goal? What are we going to do?”
I can always tell a program that has a purpose. They are confident in the process and progression. The gymnasts know what they are doing and where they are going.
– Does your team have intention? Or are you wandering around?
Gymnasts MUST have intention as well. When they get up on a Beam, or get ready to Vault or Bars or Tumble- What do they INTEND to do?
They may wobble or fall but then they make a correction.
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