Reminders/Calender/Siri (built-in)
The reason why I’m sitting down to write this blog entry is because a few days ago I asked my iPhone to remind me. With the new iPhone 4S, its as easy as pushing down the home button and saying something like, “Remind me to email the Level 4 parents when I get to the gym.” It works like magic. Older iPhones can still take advantage of the new Reminders app and the seamless integration between it and the Calender app. Being a coach is a job that requires you to do hundreds of different tasks, sometimes all at once. The iPhone can easily help you retain at least some of your sanity!
I downloaded this app a couple weeks ago and have been using it every single day since. It provides a very simple interface to record video clips and then play them back in slow motion or even frame by frame. The really cool part is that you get to pretend to be John Madden (sorry for those who don’t know the NFL). You can quickly draw lines, circles, or squares right on top of the paused or moving video. I can’t tell you how much it has helped my gymnasts get a very clear idea of where their block actually leaves the table. I can quickly draw a vertical line and then play their vault back for them in slow motion! I’m even starting to work on my witty Maddenisms because you can record all your telestrating and audio commentary over the video clip and then share it via email or youtube.
If you are not on Twitter, stop reading this and sign up right now. Besides being able to follow your celebrity crush, Twitter is the perfect tool to follow some terrific gymnastics resources, starting with @gym_momentum! I check my feed several times a day and am constantly getting great ideas, new drills, inspiring quotes, and links to in-depth articles. To get you started, try following @gym_momentum @usagym @gymnastique @gymnasticszone and yours truly @matthewyellis.
This one is very similar to Coach’s Eye, but gives you the ability to record two clips of the same skill and then superimpose one over the other to easily compare the two attempts. You can also compare your clips with similar clips on YouTube.
Ever wished you had some good workout music for a change? Enter Pandora. Most people have probable heard of it, but it is a great way to keep some fresh tunes in the gym. I’ve noticed the tempo and energy of a workout change drastically with some upbeat music (my Level 5s have been known to literally dance from station to station). One important tip: go to the Pandora website to access your account settings and tell it to play only the clean versions of songs. That way you can safely pump the beats for younger ears.