One of the most challenging aspects of coaching gymnastics is that we are working with an ever changing person. When the gymnast says, “it just feels different today,” they are telling the truth. It is different today. They have possibly gotten taller. Their muscles may be tight making them feel slow. They may have added strength or are well rested making them feel fast. Any one of these is going to contribute to things feeling different.
Mentally they could have had a tough day at school. They could have had an argument with a parent or sibling just before getting to the gym. They could also be well rested and in the zone.
How do you tell?
I have always told my gymnasts there will be MAKE IT HAPPEN days and LET IT HAPPEN days. The secret for success is knowing what day you are having.
The gymnasts I coached often joked that they could tell my mood by what colors I was wearing. If I was wearing all black, it was because I was in a bad mood.
I almost didn’t have the heart to tell them I was colorblind and I simply determined what to wear by what was on top of the “ clean pile.”
It would be great to know a gymnasts mental and physical state prior to starting practice. I always try to ask about school, home or how they slept before practice. Nothing formal. Just a conversation. “Hey- how was school today?” or “Did you have a good night?” It helps me coach.
When I travel for clinics, I have the added issue of not knowing the gymnasts and often not speaking the language very well.
Recently in Civitavecchia, Italy one of the gymnasts wore a shirt that helped me know exactly what I was dealing with!

In truth, this young lady had a great sense of humor and worked extremely hard.

What shirts would you like to see gymnasts wear to help you coach?
You can tweet your answer @gym_momentum or post to Gym Momentum’s Facebook page.
Funniest shirt a gymnast wore in your gym will win a Chaos Coordinator T-shirt!