As coaches, one of our responsibilities is to safely lead gymnasts out of their comfort zones. It is there that learning takes place. When we ask a gymnast to make a correction, we are asking them to be uncomfortable.
The only way they can grow is to get out of their comfort zone. Feel uncomfortable then adapt to the situation until they feel comfortable. Then do it again.
When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone as a coach?
With out getting out of your comfort zone how do you expect to improve?
I recently have taken a BIG step to get out of my comfort zone. I have accepted the position as Interim Head Coach for the Swiss Sr National Team. I, along with Wendy Bruce, are preparing the team for World Championships and a couple “Home meets” The Arthur Grander Memorial and Swiss Cup. We will be here for at least 3 months as they search for permanent replacements. Reality is probably closer to 6 months or more.
Rounding out our coaching team (serving as team mentor and our translator!)is Giulia Steingruber. Switzerland’s 3 time Olympian.

You certainly do not need to move to a different continent to get out of your comfort zone. Maybe it is going to a clinic and then coming back to the gym and trying drills that you learned. Maybe it is reading a book on child development and implementing some of the tactics you read about. As humans we are creatures of habit. We do not enjoy being uncomfortable. We tend to do the same thing over and over.
Are you teaching a hurdle (for round off or front handspring) today the same way you taught it 20 years ago? Has a better technique come along? Has the equipment evolved?
Do you shy away from teaching front twisting because as a gymnast you “didn’t get it”? Have you actually tried to fill in this void?
Do you not teach twisting yurchenkos because you do not have a loose foam pit? Having a pit makes it a bit easier and safer, but there are ways. Have you looked into it? Have you called the gym down the road to see if you can go there and vault one day a month?

Change is just change. Not good or bad. Embrace it. Get out of your comfort zone and learn.