“The minute that we lose momentum, we lose the thread.”
Jocelyn Glei
Gymnastics Education is just like Newton’s First Law of Motion: The tendency of a body in motion is to keep moving; the tendency of a body at rest is to sit still. In other words, it’s a lot less work to keep educating yourself and keep moving once you have some momentum, than it is to start moving from a dead stop.
If we can keep moving on our projects every day – stoking that creative fire regularly to keep the flames high – it’s infinitely easier to stay focused, make great strides, and blast through the roadblocks that inevitably come up.
That being said, everyone needs a push every once and a while. THAT’S WHERE GYM MOMENTUM COMES IN!
1. Know that momentum takes time to build.
It’s important to set small, realistic goals at first. Challenge yourself and your gymnasts, but don’t overdo it. Setting achievable goals, and experiencing incremental success will help you build momentum and confidence.
2. Carve out a consistent block of time to work on your education.
As Gymnastics coaches, we all wear very many hats. From head janitor to sports psychologist and team trainer. Finding regular time to devote to your education in a daily way can be extremely challenging. But there is nothing more important. Consistent education is paramount: it keeps your head clear and focused; it rewards you with a constant feeling of progress; and, most importantly, it keeps the ball moving forward.
3. Work on your education every day. No seriously, every day.
When it comes to momentum, frequency of execution is perhaps more important than the duration of execution. Even if you only have 3 minutes a day to work on your education you will at least keep moving forward. My goal is to NOT waste your time. I want to put real, usable drills and progressions up here.
4. Once you really get some momentum going, don’t be afraid.
Don’t hold back. When it comes to creative execution, the key is to get moving, and keep moving. THEN SHARE.
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