Happy April Fools Day.
I spend a great deal of time writing and coming up with serious things to post at Gym Momentum. Today we will depart from that. Life is too short not to have a little fun.
Those who know me in the gym know that I enjoy a good practical joke. I’ve been known to play a few as well.
Share your best Practical Joke and I will hook you up with a prize.
BEST PRACTICAL JOKES I”VE PLAYED. (my apologies to my children as they are often on the receiving end)
When the kids were younger I switched their beds while they were sleeping. Putting my son in my daughters’ room and visa-versa.
Used GREEN Hair spray and colored the kids hair while they were sleeping.
Had all the forms for my children to be legally named Rutabaga and Monkey Butt
Had our daughter convinced that she had an older sister we put in a convent. (This went on for 3 years)
Replaced Vanilla yogurt with mayonnaise
Filled a piñata with guacamole (the looks on their faces when it started oozing after they hit it was AWESOME)
Another time my wife and I pretended that THEY were invisible. (That may have crossed the line. They were 3 and 6 and my son cried).
As they have grown their revenge has been sweet and deserved. They replaced my deodorant with Cream Cheese and the best/ worst was when they scraped out the filling from Oreo’s (my favorite cookie) and replaced it with tooth paste.
Jokes I have played on my Neighbor
I was asked to take care of my neighbors cat. I sprinkled POP ROCKS in the cat litter box.
(same neighbor) Was gone for 3 months. I was helping his wife walk his dog. Every time I went over I would get a dog treat and say “Tim’s an A** Hole” and give the dog a treat and then take him for a walk. After 3 months All you had to do was say “Tim’s an A** Hole” and the dog would go NUTS.
Spur of the moment- I have a friend who is a cop. He stopped by to drop off some tickets to baseball game. One of my employees asked why I was talking to Cop. I said, “It appears you have a stalker. We will talk about it later. You probably need a lawyer”
Things I’ve done in the gym.
Replace the Windex with Blue Gatorade and drink it in front of kids. (Works well as long as you remember WHICH bottle you’ve filled)
I had a number of gymnasts that instead of spraying their grips would spray the water bottle in their mouth and then spit in their grips. A little SOAP in the water bottle does the trick. They no longer do that!
One that involves team work and acting- Threw one of the best (and nicest) kids out of the gym for not putting her grips on fast enough. She and I thought it was pretty funny!
A very realistic stuffed rat works great to get the kids out of the pit fast.
A few Balloons in a vaulting board that POP when the first kid hits the board.
A “woopie cushion” under a sting mat.
Go into the locker room and tie everyones shoes together
A little bit more work, but worth the effort, put a small hole in the spray bottle nozzle so that it usually sprays THEM or someone next to them as they try to spray their grips.
Best jokes played on me: My car covered in PINK Sticky Notes.
Most disturbing: When the girls were pretending to gossip about one of their team-mates being pregnant.
Share your FAVORITE or BEST April Fools Jokes with GYM MOMENTUM
Colby C says
How about the time at camp when you wanted to take a picture of all the counsellors and then all the coaches stood on the roof and threw buckets of water on us as the picture was taken!