Judging this was A LOT more difficult that I originally thought! Thank you for all your submissions. Some of you need to seek professional help. Very Soon.
“COULD USE A HUG” 3rd Place: Jada Mangahas from Parkettes
Jada always wears the same outfit in the car ride and always puts her leo. on in the car even when it is a home meet. the team thinks we are so strange.
“SHOULD PROBABLY SEEK COUNSELING” 2ND Place: Wayne Thoden from NASTICS inc. (Winner of Gym Momentum T-shirt)
As a joke I once told a girl that if she sprayed the water bottle in her armpits she would do well on bars. It just so happened that she did well that meet and after that she would always spray the water bottle in her armpits at meets. We did get some strange looks from judges at times.
“YOU REALLY NEED HELP. TODAY. CALL SOMEONE. NOW. STOP READING. CALL.” 1st PLACE and winner of a $100 Gift Certificate From Mancino. (Does Mancino offer counseling?)
Holly Desrocher from Gym Port on Cape Cod.
Holly had 2 entries!
when I was a gymnast, I used to eat a peanut butter sandwich right before beam. I though the peanut butter would help me stick!!! And yes, my mom traveled to every college meet to bring it to me! 🙂
As a gymnast, I was very superstitious. Now, obviously as a coach I am as well. Before our team starts on bars and beam, I HAVE to kiss the apparatus. Yes, I walk away from bars with chalky lips, and fear the random growths I could get from kissing the beams, but it’s a ritual I believe in! I have done this since I first started competing, through college gymnastics and still as a coach. People laugh, kids giggle, parents think it’s weird, but it’s my thing! It all started when the first coach I had told me “you have to be nice to the equipment, for the equipment to be nice to you!”. And I must say- I have had a great career and intend to keep it going!!
Congratulations! And remember, Most therapy is covered by insurance.
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