In order to provide you with the MOST amount of information I will add links to other lectures and articles. Even if I am unable to have the time to answer all your questions there will still be answers below.
Success in Vaulting requires the “skills” of an advanced tumbler as well as the “running speed” of a champion sprinter.
Like Beam, Vaulting also has an unforgiving nature. Vault involves one element and the gymnast has precious little, if any, time to make a correction.
So many times it comes down to the run.
run fast, hit the board, shut your eyes.
Goals pre-season.
- develop a steady accelerating run.
- consistent board contact
- maintain straight body through out.
- Air awareness every day
Goals During season
- Don’t get hurt
A few of my favorite Yurchenko Vaulting Drills
Where to go from the handspring vault? (Notes from a lecture)
Bars is about repetition and combinations. (and repetition OF combinations)
It tends to be the most difficult event because of the strength necessary and that you can’t fake it.
Pre-season goals
- develop the grip strength necessary to make it through the routine
- develop core strength
- develop swing
Teach the dismount first! If they are comfortable with the END of their routine they will be able to concentrate on the skills leading up to it.
Like an airplane pilot performing complex aerial maneuvers, the gymnast should focus intermittently on fixed frames of reference
Drills for Giants (as I put this in I noticed that some of the YouTube links are bad and need updated. I will work on that.
Front Giants and Blind Changes
5 Things every Gymnast needs on Bars
Tumbling is where it all begins (or ends). If they cannot do it on floor it is highly unlikely and probably dangerous for them to try it at other events. Most coaches would agree that a gymnasts competency in tumbling serves as the great separator between champions and would be champions.
Body Shaping Drills for Tumbling
Developmental Twisting Part 8 (this is the last of an 8 part series. The first 7 have links at the bottom)
Beam skills MUST be mastered on the ground, then a line, low beam, medium beam, etc. The more steps you have in your progression the more sound the skill will be. The actor balancing ANYWHERE, let alone on a beam going into or out of a skill is about core strength. A gymnast must maintain the effective weight of the body directly over the base of support.
- stack the vertebrae
- strong ankles/feet
- strong wrists/ hands
- Focus on the target
Drills for arms on Jumps and Leaps
Planning workouts during the season
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