Writing Business Policies and Procedures helps ensure “product quality” because regardless of the business the product is only as good as the process the service delivers to the customer. In our Gymnastics World your service is the teaching of Gymnastics Skills and any other programs which have a benefit for a child/student/team member.
Writing business policies and procedures help to:
-ensure product quality
-ensures consistency in practice
-helps to maintain product quality/gymnasts learning/progress and the benefits that go with learning gymnastics.
– Your Club Owners Policies set the expectation for employee’s behaviors and the Business Proceduresoutlines the steps for it.
Reasons to Write A Business Policy and Procedure Book:
1. Articulation of Required Steps
A procedure should lay out the required steps to perform job tasks or provide a service to a customer. For example, for a waiter who serves in a restaurant, the service should be delivered by introducing themselves, making eye contact with the customer, offering the most popular menu items, ensuring all drinks are topped off when half-filled and ensuring food quality meets the customer’s expectations.
WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS ARTICULATION OF REQUIRED STEPS? Detailing the procedure for delivering great service to customers is what contributes to a great service/learning environment.
2. Performance Measures Procedures should be used as a tool to measure an employee’s performance by determining if the process was followed appropriately. For example, a procedure for a receptionist answering the telephone should include a tracking of how often the receptionist answers the phone using a telephone script.
For Gymnastics an example of Performance would be CLASS RETENTION & GROWTH. The Goal for every club owner is to provide excellent service which should increase your bottom line.
3. Process Consistency When procedures are followed, there is consistency in practice for work processes. This helps to ensure that things are done the same way, every time and that all steps are followed. When steps get skipped it creates an inconsistent process that then creates variations in product or service quality.
4. Serve as a Training Tool: Employee Training is one of the most valuable investments any organization can make. When employees receive thorough training and detailed job descriptions, they are prepared to complete job tasks.
5 Benefits of Employee Training
1. Recruitment: When prospective employees assess an organization to determine if it is a good fit, they look at the employee benefit package.
2. Business Advantage
Employee skills current in order to be competitive.
Keeping up with changing software programs, technology changes, customer service skills or leadership trends are examples of competitive advantages organizations can have with a well trained work force.
Gymnastics: Instructor: is a professional individual, dresses appropriately, knowledge of teaching the skill level, good personality, good communication skills and an ability to teach multi-levels in the same class when necessary
3. Employee Morale: Most employees stay satisfied in a job for a period of time and then look for growth opportunities. Employee who continually develop their professional skills or pursue higher education, are hopeful that there will be career advancement opportunities in their future. This can also help employees remain positive and contribute to the vision of the organization.
4. Employee Contributions: Employees who are in school often bring back what they learn to the organization and apply learned concepts to the job. This offers value to the organization and provides for real life application for the student. It is definitely a win-win for both.
5. Employee Retention: This kind of policy should be considered carefully. Training impact has on an organization’s recruitment, retention and employee morale.
It is one of the most valuable investments any organization can make. When employees receive thorough training and detailed job descriptions, they are prepared to complete job tasks. Using policies and procedures as part of employee training helps to ensure that there is consistency in practice and reinforces global expectations. For example, a review of policy and procedures should be included in a new employee orientation process
5. Incorporates Worker Experience: Policies and procedures build off of those who have been performing the job tasks and documents work methods of experienced employees. It also incorporates lessons learned and best practices to ensure quality products and services in addition to safety and legal compliance.
6. Training Refresher Having a written policy and procedure manual can be used as a tool to help train employees and serves as a reminder of procedure steps and expectations.
7. Foundation for Process Improvement: When policies and procedures are reviewed and employees, customers and quality data is considered in the review, it can serve as a great template for improving what is done and can help to improve current processes.
Other Things to Remember:
- • Policies and procedures need to be reviewed and updated at least annually to make improvements and keep them current.
- • Employees need initial training on procedures but should have continuous refreshers to inform them of changes in practice and to remind them of expectations for following procedures.
- • Records should be kept in employee files to document training.
- • Policies and procedures should be consistently reviewed for its effectiveness and to ensure that what is being done in practice is adding value.
- • Most procedures should have checklists that simplify the process and serve as a reminder for employees.
As organizations grow it is important to put those things in writing that the organization values and deems important. Doing so in a detailed policy and procedure manual, that is shared with employees, can help to ensure that products and services maintain the high quality that customers expect.
Writing Business Policies and Procedures helps ensure “product quality” because regardless of the business the product is only as good as the process the service delivers to the customer. In our Gymnastics World your service is the teaching of Gymnastics Skills and any other programs which have a benefit for a child/student/team member.
Writing business policies and procedures help to:
-ensure product quality
-ensures consistency in practice
-helps to maintain product quality/gymnasts learning/progress and the benefits that go with learning gymnastics.
– A Club Owners Policies set the expectation for employee’s behaviors and the Business Proceduresoutlines the steps for it.
7 Reasons to Writing Business Policies and Procedures:
1. Articulation of Required Steps A procedure should lay out the required steps to perform job tasks or provide a service to a customer. For example, for a waiter who serves in a restaurant, the service should be delivered by introducing themselves, making eye contact with the customer, offering the most popular menu items, ensuring all drinks are topped off when half-filled and ensuring food quality meets the customer’s expectations.
Detailing the procedure for delivering great service to customers is what contributes to a great service/learning environment.
2. Performance Measures Procedures should be used as a tool to measure an employee’s performance by determining if the process was followed appropriately. For example, a procedure for a receptionist answering the telephone should include a tracking of how often the receptionist answers the phone using a telephone script.
For Gymnastics an example of Performance would be CLASS RETENTION & GROWTH. The Goal for every club owner is to provide excellent service which should increase your bottom line.
3. Process Consistency When procedures are followed, there is consistency in practice for work processes. This helps to ensure that things are done the same way, every time and that all steps are followed. When steps get skipped it creates an inconsistent process that then creates variations in product or service quality.
4. Serve as a Training Tool
Employee training is one of the most valuable investments any organization can make. When employees receive thorough training and detailed job descriptions, they are prepared to complete job tasks.5 Benefits of Employee Training
1. Recruitment: When prospective employees assess an organization to determine if it is a good fit, they look at the employee benefit package.
2. Business Advantage
Employee skills current in order to be competitive.
Keeping up with changing software programs, technology changes, customer service skills or leadership trends are examples of competitive advantages organizations can have with a well trained work force.
Gymnastics: a professional individual, dress appropriately, knowledge of teaching the skill level, good personality, good communication skills and an ability to teach multi-levels in the same class when necessary
3. Employee Morale: Most employees stay satisfied in a job for a period of time and then look for growth opportunities. Employee who continually develop their professional skills or pursue higher education, are hopeful that there will be career advancement opportunities in their future. This can also help employees remain positive and contribute to the vision of the organization.
4. Employee Contributions: Employees who are in school often bring back what they learn to the organization and apply learned concepts to the job. This offers value to the organization and provides for real life application for the student. It is definitely a win-win for both.
5. Employee Retention: This kind of policy should be considered carefully. Training impact has on an organization’s recruitment, retention and employee morale.
It is one of the most valuable investments any organization can make. When employees receive thorough training and detailed job descriptions, they are prepared to complete job tasks. Using policies and procedures as part of employee training helps to ensure that there is consistency in practice and reinforces global expectations. For example, a review of policy and procedures should be included in a new employee orientation process
6. Incorporates Worker Experience: Policies and procedures build off of those who have been performing the job tasks and documents work methods of experienced employees. It also incorporates lessons learned and best practices to ensure quality products and services in addition to safety and legal compliance.
7. Training Refresher Having a written policy and procedure manual can be used as a tool to help train employees and serves as a reminder of procedure steps and expectations.
8. Foundation for Process Improvement: When policies and procedures are reviewed and employees, customers and quality data is considered in the review, it can serve as a great template for improving what is done and can help to improve current processes.
Other Things to Remember:
- • Policies and procedures need to be reviewed and updated at least annually to make improvements and keep them current.
- • Employees need initial training on procedures but should have continuous refreshers to inform them of changes in practice and to remind them of expectations for following procedures.
- • Records should be kept in employee files to document training.
- • Policies and procedures should be consistently reviewed for its effectiveness and to ensure that what is being done in practice is adding value.
- • Most procedures should have checklists that simplify the process and serve as a reminder for employees.
As organizations grow it is important to put those things in writing that the organization values and deems important. Doing so in a detailed policy and procedure manual, that is shared with employees, can help to ensure that products and services maintain the high quality that customers expect.
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New York, New York 10282
phone 212-227-9792, fax 212-227-9793
website: USAIGC.COM
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