Report from USGCOA Board of Directors Year End Meeting.
As a new organization we are still trying to get things off the ground while making sure bylaws and Rules and Policies are in-order. I will post minutes here as soon as they are approved.
The agenda was pretty full but truthfully nothing exciting.
Our priority is the safety and well being of all those involved in the sport of gymnastics. Our goal remains to be a transparent organization created to serve as a voice, advocate, and partner for owners of gymnastics clubs located in the United States.
This organization is also open to presidents/directors of community and non profit organizations like YMCAs, JCCs, etc. For the record, we were asked if we could take on clubs from other countries (Canadian clubs contacted us). Unfortunately we cannot. It complicates our 501c3 status.
With the new makeup of the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors (something mandated by the USOC) the voice of coaches and club owners in our sport has been diminished. Unlike most other Olympic sports, the gymnastics community is by and large comprised of privately owned clubs. Our livelihood is affected by many of the decisions made by USOC, USA Gymnastics, and US Congress.
The board is all in agreement that we want USA Gymnastics to weather this current storm, but our organization will not be affected by decertification. We do not want this to happen. But, if it does, we will carry on with our role supporting gymnastics clubs and trying to be the voice to what ever comes next.
There is a rumor out there that the USGCOA is positioning itself to take over USA Gymnastics or become the new National Governing Body. This is NOT why we started this and not what the plan is. Our current structure and bylaws do not even take this into account.
I have been contacted by more than a few people trying to understand this organization. Some wanting the organization to move faster, some wanting it to slow down and some wanting it to go away. There are times I get frustrated that we are not moving fast enough and getting things done. The reality is that the organization is starting at ZERO. It started as an idea. A number of clubs from through out the USA believed in the idea enough to put up $1000 to get the organization off the ground. As you can imagine there is a lot of leg work involved. Everything from the design of the logo and getting the website up to, 501c3 status, legal and financial compliance. None of it is terribly exciting or what any of us really want to do- but it needs to get done just the same.
At our October meeting we wrote out the bylaws, job descriptions, term limits etc. Regional reps will be elected by their regions but we needed to stagger the the first reps so that their is continuity on the board.
Other things we covered were the dates of elections, adding industry and supplier members, date for USGCOA summit.
A great deal of time was spent on cleaning up language (so that it was easily understood) and making sure different parts of the bylaws were in agreement.
Cassie spoke eloquently and passionately that each of us must model the behavior we want the rest of the country to follow. To not bully or intimidate the gymnasts we work with.
Committees were formed and an e-mail will be sent out to membership to get their input and encourage their participation on committees. If you would like to be part of a committee – please contact us.
- USGCOA summit- Sandy and Kim
- US Congress safe sport act– Tony
I have stated before that the strength of our organization is the diversity of our board. We have representatives for each of the 8 regions (currently based upon USAG women’s program). We have representatives who have coached at the Olympic level and coaches who work primarily in recreational programs. TOM KOLL (yes- That TOM KOLL) has recently joined the board as the Program Advisor.
As soon as the minutes are approved (reality is that will be after the first of the year) I will post the minutes.
The Bylaws have been reviewed and approved.
For the record- NO USGCOA funds have been used for the transportation, housing or meals (other than lunch during meetings) at Board of Director meetings. USGCOA secures and pays for the meeting space. Every Board member pays their own travel, lodging and food. At sometime in the future we hope that funds will be used to reimburse these expenses. The Board does not feel we are there yet.
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