I used to LOVE nearly everything about gymnastics. Practicing it, competing, watching, coaching, reading about it- It was all amazing. As a youth I remember waiting for International Gymnast Magazine to arrive in the mail. Reading the articles, hanging up the posters. Pretty sure I had a photo of Eizo Kenmotsu above my gym stuff. I remember the absolute joy of being able to go compete in or watch a competition.

As I transitioned from athlete to coach I still waited for magazines, now looking for technique, drills and ideas. I remember waiting for USECA newsletter which was (and IS) always filled with great articles, drills and ideas. I enjoyed taking gymnasts to competitions and I enjoyed talking technique and ideas with coaches after the meet.

It has been a LONG time since I have enjoyed reading anything about gymnastics. Its seems like it is always scandal or controversy. Even when a gymnast posts something fabulous online, by the time I see it, the haters have ripped them apart.

USAG and other federations certainly have had a rough couple years. Problems which they could have avoided and problems that were impossible to see coming. Guilty parties need to be held accountable then we need to be able to move on. If we keep picking at the scab we will have a scar too deep to heal.
Voltaire is roughly quoted as saying, “PERFECT IS THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD.” In our sport, a sport I love, don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good. In the gym, I strived for perfection as a gymnast and then as a coach. It wasn’t until I had a conversation with Wendy Bruce that I realized that my perfectionism was getting in my way. I fear that in our sport we are looking for perfect solutions. Solutions that do not exist. There will always be missteps and false starts before we hit our stride.
The future (post pandemic) is still uncertain but at least there is positive news. There have actually been some LIVE meets! The remote and virtual meets were different but it was what we had to do. If we waited for the perfect platform or the perfect venue nothing would have happened. Gymnastics is a dynamic sport. We are continuing to change and evolve. 2020 showed how resilient we can be.

We are positioned better than nearly every other sport to have growth in 2021. We have shown that we can do virtual meets. We have shown we can do LIVE meets safely.
It is time to stand up to the haters and the bomb throwers that have nothing positive to say. It is time to be a force for positivity. It is time to remember why you LOVE the sport. If you don’t – who will?
There will always be room for improvement. It is important to every once and a while to also look back and see how far we have come and what mountains we have already climbed.

I want to read an article that focuses on the progress we have made. I want to read about the achievements a gymnast has. I want to read an article speculating about what NEW and INNOVATIVE skills will be competed at the Olympics or World Championships.
Whether you are a gymnast, coach, judge or casual fan I urge you to stay positive. I have a rule in my gym for my gymnasts and my staff, “Don’t come to me with a problem without a potential solution”. Instead of posting something negative- maybe post a potential solution.
My 5 Golden Rules in the gym are:
- Be On Time and Prepared
- No Sitting Down in the Gym
- No Cell Phones in the Gym
- Don’t Come To Me With a Problem Without a Potential Solution,
- Everyone Leaves With A Smile
I am now adding a 6th.
There are many people who have harmed in our sport and the offending parties need to be held accountable. Then we need to be able to move on.