Each year at this time of year I look back on the previous year just completed and as I get older I find myself looking back increasingly over years gone past. I do this not for nostalgic reason rather I do it to gain perspective to more forward. Much like a rower in a single scull sits facing away from the direction they row, they must look back to move forward effectively. The end of the year is a time for reflection and analysis. Each day is special, so do something to make each day special for yourself and for someone else.
Lessons from 2012
Being ready to deliver on the day – The ability to have your athletes ready to perform at their best at the required time is most important. That can be the final of the Olympic games or a Level 4 local meet. Everything is directed to this goal.
Coaching is a careful blend of art and science – No more explanation is necessary
Emotional intelligence is the key to effective coaching – It is all about people and how we as coaches grow and develop ourselves and the people we work with.
An overemphasis on injury prevention will lead to injuries – Good injury prevention is a transparent part of a sound training program. What is happening today is an over emphasis on so-called corrective exercise and special injury prevention exercises. Normal training is being ignored. When training is ignored then the athlete is predisposed to injury because they are not ready to perform.
It is imperative to develop and refine physical literacy in parallel with skill development – Physical literacy slightly leads skill and technical development; it is impossible to have one without the other.
We must take a giant step back and look at what we are doing with recovery – I think we need to learn to use recovery methods more judiciously. Not necessary just ice baths after every workout. We need to understand that the inflammatory cascade is part of the adaptation process. We must educate the body to take advantage of this not interfere with this all the time. Incorporating recovery into your workout plan can not be ignored. Here is an article by BILL SANDS- The importance of planning rest periods in the weekly training plan. Includes a sample recovery program.
Little things count – Big things are a given, they are hard to overlook but it is the little things that quickly add up. Attention to detail in each part of your practice will make the difference.
Coaching men and women is different. “Men battle to bond. Women bond to battle.” Nigel Redman – I think this is pretty self-explanatory.
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