Brand-new HEAD COACH? Don’t let the sudden clout go to your head: Newly powerful people are more likely to punish others, finds new research from Australia.
When those who have never possessed power before suddenly have it, two things are at play, explains study author Peter Strelan, Ph.D.: They often think—sometimes mistakenly—that powerful people abuse their authority because they can, so the newbie leaders now have the opportunity to use the same trump card. But there’s also a paranoia left over from being the “low man” on the totem pole that can make new bosses more defensive against a perceived threat, adds Strelan.
Are you in charge of people for the first time in your career? Starting off on the right foot could mean the difference between earning your team’s respect and being shown the door. Here are five things every new head coach should know:
1. You can always learn from your other coaches AND gymnasts.
“It’s likely that some—if not most—of the people who report to you have been in their roles prior to your arrival or promotion,” says Ken Tucker, coauthor of The Leadership Triangle. “Presenting yourself as the expert on a topic is discounting their years on the job and the experiences that come with that, and will earn you disdain and ridicule.” Position yourself as a co-learner to foster collaboration and still retain your authority. Admit that everyone has a lot to learn from one another: You seek their knowledge on the tasks, and you can teach them how to achieve their desired outcomes.
2. Deliver instructions, not questions.
When you start your new position, people need to perceive you as the person in charge—but some will still view you as a peer, says Jeremy Lazarus, founder of The Lazarus Consultancy in London. If a command sounds like a question, people may think you’re unconfident in your role. The good news is there’s a 2-second fix: Lowering your tone at the end of a sentence gives an air of authority and instruction, so no one can mistake the request as optional, Lazarus says.
3. Don’t play favorites.
Being friendly and being authoritative aren’t mutually exclusive—as long as you’re consistently cordial with everyone. “Playing favorites or providing exceptions to certain people—especially friends from your old role—is a big mistake and will destroy trust within your team,” says Steve McClatchy, president of Alleer Training & Consulting in Pennsylvania. If your friends are looking for perks, be straight with them: Tell them bending the rules would threaten your new position. Friends should want the best for you—and that includes success in your role, says McClatchy.
4. Discover people’s strengths.
You’re no longer responsible for just completing your own tasks, but managing others’ success as well, says Lazarus. “People learn and are motivated in different ways,” he says. “Taking the time to figure out who is motivated by challenges, or by variety, or by personal development will lead to a far more successful team.” Sit down with each person individually and ask what drives them, Lazarus suggests. Then incorporate these incentives into rewards for their work goals.
5. Be available, but not overbearing.
“New Head Coaches often think that their first responsibility is to micro-manage others, but this turns managing into mothering,” says Tucker. “Effective managing today is not about ensuring everyone is on task, but instead about unleashing people to do and own their best work.” In fact, when Google began to analyze their internal performance and feedback data to create better bosses a few years ago, the company found that workers most valued bosses who made time for one-on-one meetings, helped employees work through problems by asking questions instead of giving the answers, and were otherwise hands-off until an issue arose.
6. Make the HARD decisions. You are getting paid to make the tough decisions. Not to be mean- But because it’s RIGHT. Sometime you have to do what is right for the TEAM. It may be difficult for some individuals. Learn to say YES without guilt and say NO with out regret.
I like to add that one should never allow themselves to feel threatened by any other coaches. Just because you are in charge does not mean you are done learning. If you feel threatened, try to find out why, and then utilize your fellow coaches to make you better at your job and everyone better at their job. The sign of a competent head coach is a team of coaches that are just as good or better at their job.