- What did I think was going to happen?
- Is USOC going to take over? Is Congress?
- Who, if anyone, was going to take over as CEO?
- IF USA Gymnastics folded, what would come in its place?
- What “CAMP” was I in? Did I think USA Gymnastics should be disbanded and burned to the ground OR should it try to continue as NGB or at least be in charge of JO/ Xcel?

- You need to find out what is making the noise.
- What corrective action do you take? You may need to get rid of the car or you will need to fix it. Parts will need to be replaced.
It may be salvageable. Parts may need to be replaced. There is also the possibility that the cost of the repairs will be too great and you will need a new car. What you can’t do is jump to a decision before you have all the information.
Yesterday I posted to Gym Momentum (and many people also had posts of this on social media) the letter by Tom Forster. I thought his letter was clear and outlined the difficulties which lay ahead.
He is entitled to his opinions and I felt he encouraged everyone to make up their own mind and e-mail the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors.
I was disappointed when I received a comment that someone had voiced their opinion (to decertify) and they were reprimanded by their State and Regional Chairs. EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion. You can certainly try to change their mind but this needs to be a respectful conversation.
I was equally disappointed to read the article in the OC Register. It seemed to be very one sided. As if they already had their mind made up and that anyone who had the nerve to ask for peoples opinion or express their own was wrong. I understand the media’s job is to sell papers and get “clicks” but they also need to show some journalistic integrity when reporting.
We need to step back from tribalism. This is not US against THEM.
We must look for ways to FIX the problem. Not the blame. Fixing the problem is good for all of us. Not one side or the other.
I truthfully believe the best days of gymnastics lay ahead of us. We have great things to accomplish in all disciplines and aspects of the program.
We can work to protect ALL participants while remaining dominant at international competitions. Look at the genuine smiles from the gymnasts at World Championships in Doha and Russia.
That is what we are about
Look at the fundraisers going on around the country raising money for gyms damaged during the recent hurricane.
That is what we are about
Look at the clinicians traveling the world NOT working with just the elite gymnasts but with developing athletes and sharing knowledge with recreational and preschool teachers.
That is what we are about
Look at the coaches, club owners and administrators talking to each other, meeting and listening to survivors to forge a path forward.
That is what we are about
Shouting down and shaming those who do not agree with us.
That is NOT what we are about.