Fitness and Food Lies We Tell Ourselves
It’s March, and that means spring is just around the corner. It’s a popular time to start thinking about spring cleaning our bodies just like we spring clean our homes and our gyms. It is so tempting to lie to ourselves when we are struggling to make healthier choices. This is a humorous look at how crazy our self rationalizations can get. You know you’ve thought at least half of these at one time or another!
1. If I eat it while standing up, it doesn’t count. If no one sees me eat it, it also doesn’t count.
2. If I go to the gym, I deserve a burger and fries because I ‘burned it off.’
3. If it’s a holiday it doesn’t count. If my mom made it, it doesn’t count.
4. Since vodka looks like water it must not have calories.
5. If my kids leave food on their plate I ‘have‘ to finish it so as not to ‘waste‘ it.
6. It’s important to finish the box of cookies if there are only one or two left.
7. If I lean on the handles of the machine at the gym, I can set it to the highest possible speed and the calories burned on the display must be right.
8. Most people need to stretch after every workout, but I’m not like most people.
9. If I go to the gym, even if my mouth gets more exercise than any other part of my body, I ‘worked out.’
10. And the all time favorite, a diet coke consumed along with any fattening food cancel each other out.
Gina Paulhus
President/CEO, Home Bodies
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