From A thought provoking blog from Vern Gambetta.
Here is my version.
This summer I have done more training camps, clinics and congresses than ever before. I will still be traveling well into the fall. This has allowed me to meet and speak to some extraordinary people and have a chance to listen to what a lot of people have to say.
I think there is a time in everyone’s career when they think they have all the answers. Learning how to say smart things and give smart answers seems very important. I know I have been there. The longer I coach and teach and the older I get the more I realize it is not about having all the answers and saying smart things. It is about having the right questions. I realize that the people I respect the most have the ability to listen and ask very incisive questions that make you think and challenge you to learn.
There is power in the question. I think the toughest lesson to learn is to listen to others, respect their ideas and opinions and ask smart questions. I know it has taken me a long time to get there and I am not completely there yet. I do know that 25 years into my coaching career that I have more questions than I do answers. That makes every day fun and exciting because the drive to answer the questions keeps me learning and innovating.
I believe today that too many coaches TALK with out asking QUESTIONS. Too many coaches HEAR without really LISTENING. It is OK to have convictions in your beliefs and confidence in your coaching but really no one has all the answers.
Just my thoughts.
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