As the ancient Greeks understood, great athletes not only accept the ordeal of competition and the trial of strength inherent in it, but also show us a connection between what we do each day and something that is larger than we are and lasts longer than we do.
Bill Bradley via Bill Sands
Crows are attracted to shining objects. Are you a crow? Are you immediately attracted to shining objects? Crows in coaching are those who are constantly attracted to the newest shining object in the form of fads, they believe the hype and marketing, they are always looking for the latest greatest shortcut.
In all my years of gymnastics I have never really found a shortcut. If anything every time I teach a new skill to a gymnast I find myself using more and more drills.
Hopefully you are not a crow but a critical thinker with a sound foundation in training principles and finely tuned BS filter so that you can ignore the shining objects.
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