Coaching gymnastics is 80% technique & 20% picking up scraps of tape on the floor.
Coaching gymnastics is basically just listening to yourself talk because nobody else is.
Has anyone ever noticed that coaching and owning a gym is more like an exercise in crisis management?
Coaching gymnastics is juggling chainsaws and wondering why it’s so loud and why your shoulders are so sore.
90% of coaching gymnastics is just walking around saying “WHERE ARE YOUR GRIPS? WE’RE ALREADY LATE! FIND YOUR GRIPS!”
Coaching and Owning a Gymnastics Club is a conglomeration of everything I’ve never learned.
Coaching gymnastics could be a lot like a Tarantino film. Lot of questions and violent screaming.
Coaching Gymnastics is a journey except it’s just traveling from event to event moving the same mat all day long.
I am saddened by the fact that I am no longer alarmed when my fingers smell like someone else’s sweat. This, my friends, is Coaching Gymnastics.
Owning a gym is 50% love, 10% dealing with parents, 10% dealing with kids and 30% unclogging toilets.
WHAT WOULD YOU ADD? Share with Gym Momentum!
Stretchsportguy says
Coaching gymnastics is like extending your family to the moon…
Dallas says
Coaching gymnastics is like trying to heard a group of ADHD cats..
Coach Chris says
Coaching gymnastics is so easy. But then again I also coach competitive boys older age group. 10% I explain the assignments for the day & 90% they just go do it, occasionally asking for a spot or a correction.
I’ve coached girls in the past. Never again.
It’s like walking through a minefield wile playing tug of war with a bomb strapped to you and you only have a few seconds left before it goes off. And all that with a little person in your left ear wanting you to make compromises for every drill & skill and in the right ear the mother of said little person wanting to know why some other moms kid got to move up and not hers even know she took her kid on a month long vacation in the summer.