Coaching gymnastics is 80% technique & 20% picking up scraps of tape on the floor.
Coaching gymnastics is basically just listening to yourself talk because nobody else is.
Has anyone ever noticed that coaching and owning a gym is more like an exercise in crisis management?
Coaching gymnastics is juggling chainsaws and wondering why it’s so loud and why your shoulders are so sore.
90% of coaching gymnastics is just walking around saying “WHERE ARE YOUR GRIPS? WE’RE ALREADY LATE! FIND YOUR GRIPS!”
Coaching and Owning a Gymnastics Club is a conglomeration of everything I’ve never learned.
Coaching gymnastics could be a lot like a Tarantino film. Lot of questions and violent screaming.
Coaching Gymnastics is a journey except it’s just traveling from event to event moving the same mat all day long.
I am saddened by the fact that I am no longer alarmed when my fingers smell like someone else’s sweat. This, my friends, is Coaching Gymnastics.
Owning a gym is 50% love, 10% dealing with parents, 10% dealing with kids and 30% unclogging toilets.
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