The other day someone asked me why Gym Momentum was a “free site”. How come I didn’t do memberships or a “pay per view” type business model.
Mostly because of the coaches who influenced me when I began my coaching career. Admittedly I am old. When I first started there were BARELY computers. There certainly was no YOUTUBE and even video playback was a novelty.
If a coach had a cool video they wanted to share they would put it on a VHS and stick it in the mail. The question is, “How did we learn?”.
I spent a great deal of time, effort and energy taking my gymnasts to more experienced coaches gyms. Did the coaches ever charge me or the gymnasts? NO. Not even once. As many times as not the gymnasts stayed with families and I stayed with the coach. I learned by watching , listening, taking notes and asking questions. I learned by listening to the correction the coach gave my gymnasts. I never pretended to my gymnasts that I had all the answers. And I still don’t.
As an aside- The longer I coach, the less I feel I know.
These coaches took a great deal of time with me. Now that I own gyms and have had a reasonably successful career I feel that I am giving back. I am just inviting you into my brain.
Thanks to my first group of gymnasts. You thought me a LOT.
Thanks to the coaches who helped me along.
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