At GYM MOMENTUM TRAINING CAMP we believe that only in a state of discomfort can you grow and achieve your greatest potential.
As a gymnast or a coach in order to get better you need to get out of your comfort zone. If you find yourself in a place where everything is “OK” or everything is “good” , you are probably stuck NOT BEING AWESOME. I have seen many coaches and gymnasts flounder and be miserable because they are simply in a comfortable spot. Things are easy and they are not improving.
Breaking a habit, trying a new skill or technique, making new connections, are not going to be easy, but it’s worth it. It’s exhausting but rewarding.
Calvin Coolidge said “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.”
Go where the demands are high. Go where the pressure is to perform.
Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, Psychologist and author of “Better Than Perfect”, says people who regularly seek out fresh experiences tend to be more creative and emotionally resilient than those who remain stuck in a routine.
“Breaking your own mold can only make you stronger and more confident to reach higher levels in your professional and personal life,” she says.
To grow as a gymnast or coach you need to embrace the discomfort. The transition will be uncomfortable and scary, but daring greatly can push you further than you can imagine. Stretch yourself. You might just like what’s possible.
Discomfort is a catalyst for growth. It makes you yearn for something more. It forces you to change, stretch, and adapt.
The secret to success lies in the very thing you’re avoiding. Those things that seem to break you down and humble your spirit.
Seek out discomfort. Be deliberate about doing things that push your limits magnificently. Difficulty helps you to grow.
If you want long-term success, stop avoiding what’s hard.
If you’re truly pushing yourself to improve — in any capacity whatsoever — you are uncomfortable.
When you are challenged, you are asked to become more than you were. That means creating new perspectives, acquiring new skills and pushing boundaries.
Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional, says Roger Crawford.
Don’t fight the discomfort. It’s what you feel when you are growing.
A little push beyond your safe bubble is exactly what you need to grow.
Finding fulfillment in your gymnastics career might just entail stepping outside of your comfort zone once a day, once a week, or even once a month.
Choose what works for you and enjoy the stretch.
If you are serious about improving your future self, get used to being uncomfortable. Comfort can ruin your life. Only in a state of discomfort can you continually grow and achieve your greatest potential.
Gymnasts and Coaches must each build a healthy balance of comfort and adventure.
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